Blue Montains!














« Can grew » (Kangaroo) grammatically means  nothing


Is it a dream I am here ?

I remember my poster with this landscape hanging in my bedroom in France… This poster I used about dream  all nights inspired me freedom.


I am talking about the famous Blue Montains in Australia.
Today, at …..o’clock, my dream became true.

At 09:05am, I arrived in Sydney and I had to walk quickly because my next plane was at 9 :50am from Sydney to Canberra.  I finally arrived at the airport of Canberra at 10 :50 am. The jetlag was not so hard, there is just 3 hours more in Australia than in New Zealand.

As I was so excited to live my Australian adventure, I decided  not to lose any time and to visit the Blue Montains, which was my final destination.
Then, as I planed it  a long time ago, I hitchhiked from Canberra to Launceston and in Launceston I rented a campervan to go to the Blue Montains.

I only waited 5minutes to hitchhike because the place where I streched my thumb was a strategical point where a lot of cars drove by.

I got in the car and my watch indicated 11 :30am. An old woman was driving. At the beginning, the dialog was a little bit difficult because in Australia, they have a strong accent I had never heard before.
Her name was Abigail and she was a sympathetic person. She advised me about different things I could discover in Australia and she offered me to sleep in her house if I did not have plans for this night.

She droped me off in Launceston where I had rented my campervan on « aussie campervans » website.

I bought Australian food that seemed delicious and water for the day.
Then, I walked to the campervan station where I gave a guarantee to the guardian.

I drove my van.What a danger here ! I had forgotten that here like in England, Australian people drive on the left side of the road.

Finally, I arrived in  Blue Montains 3hours later safe and sound, at 15 :00pm.

Here, I left my campervan and decided to discover the landscape of my dream.

Such a wonderful nature around here !!  I  felt free, happy and crazy ! I took some pictures because I wanted this experience never to  die and to keep some memories, not only in my head, because I wanted to share it.

After 2 hours walk, I thought  I was lost. I did not remember where I had left my campervan and where I began my walk. I tried geolocation  thanks to my phone but there was no connexion here. I  panicked because the night was coming … It was 7:30pm already… I tried then to find the way back and I finally  reached  my campervan…

What an adventure !

So exhausted I was… I tasted the Australian food that I had brought and it was so delicious !


Well... 9 :30am… I had to sleep well  because tomorrow I would visit the capital.

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Comments: 2
  • #1

    Austin (Wednesday, 28 December 2016 16:51)

    Which food did you taste? You mention it but don't give its name!
    Did you see any kangaroo?

  • #2

    Charles B. (Wednesday, 28 December 2016 16:54)

    Am a bit confused about your title...
    What do you mean?